church of emacs based sigma richard stallman sending his based sigma ohio gigachad xorg foss single gpu gvt-g pcio passthrough tkg custom nosystemd iwd networkmanager fsf approved i3wm polybar picom selfcompiled wayland gnu/gnome gnu/linux gnu + linux plymouth bash zsh fish sh efistub secure adin ross free software sandboxed virtualization flatpak templeos terry davis sigma immutable neovim emacs busybox qwertyuiop luks header binary framebuffer debloated optimized vfio zen fsf approved blob-free kernel localmodconfig sway xterm alacritty kitty foot uxterm neofetch pacman aur on the firefox debian cringr sudo doas gnu icecat linux users installing a web browser openrc void runit rust systemd-free uki sddm until it skibidi toilet ohio sigma gyat gentoo 100 freebsd bsd based netbsd openbsd dragonflybsd ghostbsd darwin fanum protonmail duckduckgo startpage searx fastfetch pfetch uwufetch uwuntu ohiofetch mental outlaw distrotube someordinarygamers mutahar virtual machine brodie robertson tax rizzler army against the cringe corpopilled ohio ubuntu snap canonical micro$oft novideo windoze winblowz proprietary spyware neocities extremely high spyware adware ware closed source systemd nsa backdoor government wayland nonfree red hat rhel going closed source fedora spyware telemetry rocky linux mint suse apple macos mozilla android chromeos chatgpt ai schizo chromium brave skibidi toilet gnome bad gnormies normie nano gedit kate vscode soydev starbucks latte twitter reddit kde plasma bloated /g/ 4chan based sigma kai cenat ohio gigachad rizz for ishowspeed snapcraft code of conduct proprietary backend L rizz bloated
damien123 Apr 25 @ 9:26pm 
ScandinavianRice Apr 25 @ 12:46pm 
-rep a-hole
damien123 Apr 17 @ 8:51pm 
i dont know u kind sir
ohio fortress gyatt rizzler Apr 17 @ 12:30am 
-rep cringe
ohio fortress gyatt rizzler Apr 17 @ 12:30am 
Here I'll do it again
ohio fortress gyatt rizzler Apr 17 @ 12:27am 
What got you confused, little buddy?