API gives you access to various useful information for your botting needs.
Bot API gives you access to control your buy and selling rates,
it also makes your bot update every hour instead of every 3days,
you will also get a star next to your bot and overall improve the quality of the site.
APIs with a dollar sign are paid ones rest are entirely free
Steam.Supply APIs
Gets Bots known to us
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getBots
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
type | String | Bot type you wish to get | No | type=card type=holiday type=misc type=scam |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "76561199642778394":{ "type":"CardBot", "custom_type":"", "csgosellrate":"10", "csgobuyrate":"0", "tfsellrate":"8", "tfbuyrate":"0", "hydrasellrate":"6", "hydrabuyrate":"0", "gemsellrate":"1500", "gembuyrate":"0" } } |
400 | Invalid parameters | Parameters Not Found / Missing parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Get API credits you have
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getCredits
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "days_left":"124121.35",//returns -1 if you pay per request "daily_limit":10000,//returns -1 if you pay per request "daily_usage":255, "credits":124121348 } |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Load a steam inventory without rate limits
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/loadInventory
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
steamid | SteamID64 | User you want to load | No | steamid=76561199642778394 |
appid | Numeric | Appid you wish to load | No | appid=730 |
contextid | Numeric | Contextid of the appid you wish to load | No | contextid=2 |
start_assetid | Numeric | If there's more than 5000 items a json variable named "last_assetid" should be returned from previous request | Yes | start_assetid=22748964546 |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "assets": [], "descriptions": [], "more_items": 1, "last_assetid": 1, "total_inventory_count": 1, "success": 1, "rwgrsn": -2 } |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Inventory Hidden / Invalid API key |
403 | Forbidden | Inventory Private |
API type can be changed on your /Settings page
Each request carries an item count of 5000
Credits do not expire and there is no rate limits on how many requests you can do other than your credit amount / plan
Failed requests will carry a dummy result ({"assets":[],"descriptions":[],"more_items":1,"last_assetid":"1","total_inventory_count":1,"success":1,"rwgrsn":-2,"fake_redirect": 1 OR 0})
These requests cost nothing if fake_redirect is set to 1 and should simply be repeated with the value of "last_assetid" sent as start_assetid
This is simply a method to bypass cloudflares timeout limits in cases of long response times/dead proxies/rate limited proxies/etc
fake redirect 0 indicates steam errors such as 500 consider adding a small delay before redoing those
Timeouts should be atleast 40s otherwise your client might close the socket before the proxy
Updates bot rates and Inventory
Endpoint URL
POST/BODY http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/updateBot
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
details | JSON | All bot rates, inventory and information displayed. | No | details={ selling:{ 'tf2':13, 'csgo':20, 'hydra':15, 'tod':10, 'gem':400, }, buying:{ 'tf2':15, 'csgo':25, 'hydra':20, 'tod':15, 'gem':200, }, sets:{ "440": 69, "730": 1337, "570": 420 }, maxstock:15, foil_sets:{ "440": 32, "730": 55, "570": 11 }, keys:{ 'tf2':2591, 'csgo':329, 'hydra':152, 'tod':93, 'gem':203500, }, emotions:{ "220-:gordon:":93, "22230-:tower:":33, "231740-:mage:":72 }, backgrounds:{ "220-Combine Technology":93, "24240-Support and Assault":33, "33100-Deadly Virus":72 } } |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | OK |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid JSON |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Rates & Inventory will be invalidated if it's been more than an 24 hours since the update
JSON variables are optional
Steam APIs
Get all appids and there corresponding card amount
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/cardAmount
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "440":9, "730":5, "570":8 } |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
In cases of an appid not being in the list please see /findcards API, this can happen when a game just got cards
Forcibly get the card amount of a single appid
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/findCards
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
appid | Numeric | Appid of which u wish to get the card amount from | No | appid=440 |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | Numeric Value |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Only use this if the appid is not in the cardamount API
Make sure the appid actually has any cards before using this
Calling this API incorrectly or to often will limit your API key you need to contact the admin to remove the limit
Appid of which u wish to get the items from
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getItems
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
appid | Numeric | Prices are only estimates in USD | No | appid=440 |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "name": "Half-Life 2", "app_icon": "https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/753/1d0167575d746dadea7706685c0f3c01c8aeb6d8.jpg", "cards": { "220-City 17 Metrocop": { "price": 0.08, "listings": 4729, "icon": "IzMF03bk9WpSBq-S-ekoE33L-iLqGFHVaU25ZzQNQcXdA3g5gMEPvUZZEfSMJ6dESN8p_2SVTY7V2NsNxGVIwXpaL3_b1GB0LrQ7c-bD1Bf0ou2dWn36aTDBcnTaT1gxG-VYYW2P_Tajt-_AQWvJR-EqFQFWeaNQ9GIcbJiAOxY9gdMVu2u_0UZyDBItYPpPfQ68zylCZeV9zCJLI8gHkSWmIsfZ1g1ibhQ8Uu3gVO7FbInzmS51C0gzFvMbesvL7zOq9ZV2QPoeow" }, .... }, "foil_cards": { "220-Alyx Vance (Foil)": { "price": 0.64, "listings": 198, "icon": "IzMF03bk9WpSBq-S-ekoE33L-iLqGFHVaU25ZzQNQcXdA3g5gMEPvUZZEfSMJ6dESN8p_2SVTY7V2NsNxGVIwXpaL3_Z0W11LtNtNsjDhgz2oOWIQXDzMG-WKXeNHVs5HLBXNG6IqDCitO6TSjGbEukkQAoCfKMH-mFBaJyXf0xqwtVUuWG9hXt0Excvd5gWKF-6kiwXab8kkHZAJpMGnCT3I5eIgllgbEI8XurmVryUa4P3wS11Q1o5SLZcaYlIj14tyA" }, .... }, "emos": { "220-:alyx:": { "price": 0.03, "listings": 460, "icon": "i0CoZ81Ui0m-9KwlBY1L_18myuGuq1wfhWSIYhY_9XEDYOMNRBsMoGuuOgceXob50kaxV_PHjMO1MHaEqgQnpMjwvguzF0jznMW0-HEM7vD4Oac7c_XLC2bHkbxw4rlsHX_lkBkm4G3S1J_3JsAgHQ_s" }, .... }, "bgs": { "220-Combine Technology": { "price": 0.03, "listings": 695, "icon": "i0CoZ81Ui0m-9KwlBY1L_18myuGuq1wfhWSIYhY_9XEDYOMNRBsMoGuuOgceXob50kaxV_PHjMO1MHaEqgQnpMj171u_RBjzy8e2-XID6ferOPM4d_GQDDWRxOgjs-NvHCy1l0oj4miD1IXpJqy3nAFw" }, .... }, "booster": { "220-Half-Life 2 Booster Pack": { "price": 0.23, "listings": 113, "icon": "IzMF03bk9WpSBq-S-ekoE33L-iLqGFHVaU25ZzQNQcXdBnY7ltYLvVIHHqLGe_IYHsB8vGuCUY7Cjc9MnTlZlX1bKy70HT-1mRc" } }, "items": { "220-Headcrab Zombie": { "price": 0.03, "listings": 200, "icon": "i0CoZ81Ui0m-9KwlBY1L_18myuGuq1wfhWSIYhY_9XEDYOMNRBsMoGuuOgceXob50kaxV_PHjMO1MHaEqgQnpMit7Fi-REX1mMK2riZav_SqO_Y_daOVWDPGl70g5uM_HnnlwEp26jjX1J_3JikfKiHW" }, .... }, "badge_price": 0.64, "foilbadge_price": 5.39, "emo_price": 0.15, "bg_price": 0.17, "item_price": 0.09, "booster_price": 0.23, "total_items": 37053 } |
400 | Bad Request | Missing parameters / Appid not found |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Prices are only estimates in USD
Get appids names based on type
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getNames
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
type | String | Game type you want names for | No | type=all type=card type=dlc type=game |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "220":"Half-Life 2" } |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Gets a estimate of all prices known to us by type
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getPrices
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
type | String | Type you want values for | No | type=emo type=bg type=booster type=badge type=foilbadge type=item type=card type=foilcard |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "APPID-ITEM_NAME":"0.03" } { "APPID":"1.63" } |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Prices are only estimates in USD
Due to restriction on old data backgrounds may or may not have (Profile Background) at the end of there name check both
Get all details of a certain user.
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getProfile
Name | Type | Info | Optional | Sample |
steamid | SteamID64 | User you want to load | No | steamid=76561199642778394 |
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "name": "Bot Validator", "avatar": "421db600c761b83e9dcc3c74d4f2d1c1d7b36b67", "vanity": "", "timecreated": 1708544825, "realname": "@ Steam.Supply", "personastate": 1, "country": "", "level": 3, "badges": { }, "foilbadges": { }, "otherbadges": { "2": { "level": 2, "completion_time": 1708549306 }, "13": { "level": 3, "completion_time": 1709336185 } }, "games": { "440": 11, }, "bans": { "SteamId": "76561199642778394", "CommunityBanned": false, "VACBanned": false, "NumberOfVACBans": 0, "DaysSinceLastBan": 0, "NumberOfGameBans": 0, "EconomyBan": "none", "steamrep": "none", "steamladder": 2004321 }, "friends": { "76561199642778394": 1708549114 }, "steamid": { "id64": "76561199642778394", "id32": "[U:1:1682512666]", "id": "STEAM_0:0:841256333", "invite": "jggn-cqcp" } } |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |
Get current steam status
Endpoint URL
POST/GET http://steam.supply/api/LOGIN/getStatus
Response Headers
Response Code | Header | Body |
200 | Successful request | { "ingame": 6450988, "online": 24023110, "community": { "alive": true, "percent": 100, "code": "OK" }, "api": { "alive": true, "percent": 100, "code": "OK" }, "store": { "alive": true, "percent": 100, "code": "OK" }, "cms": { "Europe": { "DE": { "Frankfurt am Main": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "SE": { "Stockholm": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "NL": { "Amsterdam": { "": true, "": true } }, "AT": { "Vienna": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "ES": { "Madrid": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "GB": { "London": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "PL": { "Warsaw": { "": true, "": true } } }, "North America": { "US": { "Ashburn": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true }, "Atlanta": { "": true, "": true }, "Chicago": { "": true, "": true }, "Seattle": { "": true, "": true }, "Los Angeles": { "": true, "": true }, "Bellevue": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } } }, "Asia": { "JP": { "Chiyoda": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "SG": { "Singapore": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } }, "KR": { "Seoul": { "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true } } }, "Oceania": { "AU": { "Sydney": { "": true, "": true } } }, "South America": { "CL": { "Santiago": { "": true, "": true } } }, "Africa": { "ZA": { "Johannesburg": { "": true, "": true } } } }, "inventory": { "csgo": 100, "tf2": 100, "gem": 100 } } |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid API key |