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Viwus Level Service


99% Uptime
0 sets from games
0 foil sets from games
CSGO0!buy 10!sell 1
TF20!buytf 10!selltf 1
Hydra0!buyhydra 10!sellhydra 1
Gem0!buygems 10!sellgems 1
Viwus Level service is founded 13.April 2017 with a passion to fight the greed and selfishness. We fight for a better world, a fair community and a loyal service you can trust. We provide warranties, 24/7 supports, sets4sets, manual trades and much more. We work daily to code the bots and servers to make it most possible userfriendly for our customers and will continue like this for soo long as we run. Viwu is a service where we priority satisfaction over earnings. all profit goes to future projects or expanding of the service to have more to provide the buyer. This bot is so far the most traded card bot at the moment with over 180.000 trades done. Viwus level service has so far over 400k total trades and still growing fast, we hope you will come by one day and visit us, \r\nmaybe even have a chat with us or out crew on our discord server. Everyone is welcome to Viwus community.


Updated: 6 years ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 6 years ago

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