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93% Uptime
34839 sets from 3538 games
0 foil sets from games
CSGO13!buy 128!sell 1
TF26!buytf 18!selltf 1
Hydra7!buyhydra 117!sellhydra 1
Gem1200!buygems 1300!sellgems 1

Bot Commands :

• !prices - show our current rates
• !level [your_dream_level] - calculate how many sets, and how many currencies will cost you to a desired level
• !check - show how many sets the bot have that you haven't crafted yet
• !checkone - show how many sets the bot have that you haven't crafted yet, badge collector mode.

TF2 Section.
• !checktf [amount_of_keys] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of tf2 keys
• !buytf [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of tf2 keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
• !buyanytf [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of tf2 keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
• !buyonetf [amount_of_keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate

Gems Section.
• !checkgems [amount_of_gems] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of gems
• !buygems [amount_of_sets] - use to buy that amount of sets for gems, following the current BOT rate
• !buyanygems [amount_of_sets] - use to buy that amount of any sets for gems, following the current BOT rate
• !buyonegems [amount_of_sets] - use this if you are a badge collector. sames as !buyone, buy you pay with gems!

CSGO Section.
• !check [amount_of_keys] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys
• !buy [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of csgo keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
• !buyany [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of csgo keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
• !buyone [amount_of_keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate

Hydra Section.
• !checkhydra [amount_of_keys] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of hydra keys
• !buyhydra [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of hydra keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
• !buyanyhydra [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of hydra keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
• !buyonehydra [amount_of_keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate

Suppliers Section.
• !sellcheck - show information about the sets you can sell
• !sell [amount_of_keys] - sell your sets for csgo keys
• !sellhydra [amount_of_keys] - sell your sets for hydra keys
• !selltf [amount_of_keys] - sell your sets for tf2 keys
• !sellgems [amount_of_sets] - sell your sets for gems

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Продам ключи / Selling keys TF2 QIWI.


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 Foil Sets

Updated: 9 minutes ago

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