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PABLO Level Up Bot


95% Uptime
6 years ago

This is a MiscBot.

MiscBots, are bots that don't conform to the norm of SteamBots,
They may trade different items than Sets for Keys bots and use different commands
Make sure to read the description so you can see what this bot does and how to use it
Rates and information shown might be outdated as they are updated by the owner
Misc bots are still vetted by us and was safe to use at the time of approvement
How to use PABLO?

:sundrive: Add PABLO as a friend

:sundrive: Use !check chat command and RetroBot will answer how many sets you can buy at the moment

:sundrive: Use !buycsgo !buyhydra !buytf !buygems chat command and you'll instantly receive a trade offer

:sundrive: After checking and accepting the trade offer, you can craft your badges and level UP !!


:coolboy: Be sure that you have crafted all your badges before buying the 2nd time


:outdrive:!help ⮞ help message

:outdrive:!commands ⮞ list of all commands which you can use

:outdrive:!check ⮞ Checks how many sets you can buy

:outdrive:!buycsgo [amount of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of CS:GO keys

:outdrive:!buyhydra [amount of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of Hydra keys

:outdrive:!buytf [number of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of TF 2 keys

:outdrive:!buygems [number of keys] ⮞ buy sets for an X amount of gems

:outdrive:!level [desired level] ⮞ Calculates how many sets and keys it takes to reach desired level


:SynthwaveRetroSun: Having any problems or the Bot is offline ? -- Use !support to send a direct Message to my Owner