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Herakles ❖ LEVEL UP


99% Uptime
6 sets from 1 games
0 foil sets from 0 games
CSGO9!buycsgo 111!sellcsgo 1
TF217!buytf 119!selltf 1
Hydra6!buyhydra 110!sellhydra 1
Gem650!buygems 1250!sellgems 1
Bot Commands:
!COMMANDS - - - -- - - - > Get help about bot & his commands.
!PRICES - - - - - > See all prices.
!BUYCSGO X - - - - - - - - - > Buy X amount of sets for that many CSGO .
!BUYHYDRA X - - - - - - > Buy X amount of sets for that many Operation Hydra keys.
!BUYTF X - - - - - -- - - > Buy sets for that many TF2 keys.
!BUYGEMS X - - - - - -> Buy sets for gems.
!CHECK - - - - - - - - - > Show how many sets the bot have available and how much you can craft.
!LEVEL X - - - - - - - - > Calculates how many sets and keys it takes for you to reach certain level.
!SELLCHECK - - - - > Check how many sets you own to sell, and how much keys you will get for sets.


Updated: 1 year ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 1 year ago

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