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Samuvt 2's Level Up Bot


99% Uptime
25 sets from 8 games
0 foil sets from 0 games
CSGO30!buy 140
TF222.5!buytf 128
Hydra15!buyhydra 127
Gem500!buygems 1250

!prices - shows the current prices of the bot

!level [your dream level] - calculates how many sets and how many keys it will cost to reach the desired level
!check - shows how many sets the bot has available and how much you can craft
!check [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you will reach for a specific amount of keys
!checkhydra [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you will reach for a specific amount of Hydra keys
!checktf [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you will reach for a specific amount of TF keys
!checkgems [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of gems

!buy [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this to buy sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of CS:GO keys, following the current bot rate
!buyhydra [amount of Hydra keys] - use to buy that amount of Hydra keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
!buytf [amount of Tf keys] - use to buy that amount of TF2 keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
!buygems [amount of sets] - use this to buy that amount of sets you have not crafted yet for gems, following the current bot rate
!buyany [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for any sets even from badges that has already been crafted, following the current bot rate
!buyanytf [amount of TF keys] - use this to buy that amount of TF2 keys keys for any sets even from badges that has already been crafted, following the current bot rate

!buyone [amount of CS:GO keys] - only use this if you are a badge collector. The bot will send one set of each game, following the current bot rate
!buyonehydra [amount of Hydra keys] - only use this if you are a badge collector. The bot will send one set of each game, following the current bot rate
!buyonetf [amount of TF keys] - only use this if you are a badge collector. The bot will send one set of each game, following the current bot rate
!buyonegems [amount of sets] - only use this if you are a badge collector. The same as !buyone, but you pay with gems


Can't trade with you if

1. Your inventory is private!
2. You got a trade hold!
3. You haven't had Mobile Authenticator for 7 days!


Updated: 1 year ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 1 year ago

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