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WinterSale Duck TF2


Profile   Owner  
100% Uptime
1 year ago

This is a MiscBot.

MiscBots, are bots that don't conform to the norm of SteamBots,
They may trade different items than Sets for Keys bots and use different commands
Make sure to read the description so you can see what this bot does and how to use it
Rates and information shown might be outdated as they are updated by the owner
Misc bots are still vetted by us and was safe to use at the time of approvement
Commands: • !help - Useful links • !owner - show my owners steam profile, if you have any major issues you may contact us! • !imabot - disable our automatic response to unknown commands • !stats - shows bot stock • !prices - display our current rates • !level [your_dream_level] - calculate how many sets it will take and how much it will cost you to reach your desired level • !check - show how many sets the bot has that you haven't crafted yet • !checkone - show how many sets the bot has that you haven't crafted yet, badge collector mode. • !lang - change bot language.

TF2 Section. • !checktf [amount_of_keys] - shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of tf2 keys • !buytf [amount_of_keys] - use to buy that amount of tf2 keys for sets you don't have, following the current BOT rate • !buyonetf [amount_of_keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. The BOT will only send one set of each game, following the current BOT rate Suppliers Section. • !sellcheck - shows how many sets i can buy from you, and how many currencies i can pay. • !selltf [amount_of_keys] - sell your sets for tf2 keys