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Mona's Trading Cards


Profile   Owner  
75% Uptime
0 sets from games
0 foil sets from games
CSGO0!buy 10!sell 1
TF20!buytf 10!selltf 1
Hydra0!buyhydra 10!sellhydra 1
Gem0!buygems 10!sellgems 1
FAQ * Your inventory must be public in order to receive trade offer, you can set it back to private immidiately afterwards * You need to be able to trade with no trade hold (have Steam Mobile Guard for at least 7 days i.e.) * Please be sure to craft all sets in your inventory before you buy new sets Bot comands !check : Checks how many sets you can buy !buy [amount of keys] : buy sets for an X amount of CS:GO keys (i.e. !buy 10) !buytf [number of keys] - buy sets for an X amount of TF 2 keys (i.e. !buytf 10) !level [desired level] : Calculates how many sets and keys it takes to reach desired level !help - help message How to use BOT? Love Card Bot is the fastest and cheapest way to level UP your Steam profile. 1. Add Love Card Bot as a friend 2. Use !check chat command and the BOT will answer how many sets you can buy at the moment 3. Use !buy [amount of CS:GO keys] chat command and youll instantly receive a trade offer exchanging sets for CS:GO keys - e.g. !buy 2 4. After checking and accepting the trade offer, you may craft your badges and level UP immediately!


Updated: 6 years ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 6 years ago

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