3 months agoThis is a MiscBot.
MiscBots, are bots that don't conform to the norm of SteamBots,
They may trade different items than Sets for Keys bots and use different commands
Make sure to read the description so you can see what this bot does and how to use it
Rates and information shown might be outdated as they are updated by the owner
Misc bots are still vetted by us and was safe to use at the time of approvement
Here's a list of commands you can give the bot in chat!
!help : Type !help for more information.
!commands - Show you how the bot works and the commands.
Can't trade with you if
1. Your inventory is private!
2. You got a trade hold!
3. You haven't had Mobile Authenticator for 7 days!
Got any questions or issues?
Please write here in the group.
Which items does the bot accept as payment?
:OSWGreenBox:All CS:GO Keys. (Except Sticker & Capsule Keys), "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key", "Gems".
Does bot check which badges I've crafted?
Yes, the bot does check which sets you HAVE crafted, it does however not check your inventory, so please FULLY craft before using the bot. :)
If you have additional questions, please contact my owner