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!Naruto | Level Up


96% Uptime
54 sets from 4 games
0 foil sets from 0 games
CSGO00!sell 1
TF214.5!buytf 115!selltf 1
Hydra00!sellhydra 1
Gem900!buygems 1300!sellgems 1

Welcome to Naruto Level Up Service! Quick and easy way to Level Up your Profile.

Need support? Join Discord
Need trading card sets for free? Join Discord and enter daily giveaway! 

 How to use BOT?

1. Add Naruto Bot as a friend
2. Use !check chat command and the BOT will answer how many sets you can buy at the moment
3. Use !buy [amount of CS:GO keys] or !buytf  [amount of TF2 Keys] chat command and you'll instantly receive a trade offer. e.g. !buy 2 !butf 2
4. After checking and accepting the trade offer, you may craft your badges and level UP immediately!

Helpful commands 

• !level [desired level] - calculate how many sets it would take and how much it would cost to reach your desired level.
• !check - show how many unique badges you can buy at the moment.
• !buy - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets.
• !buyhydra - use to buy that amount of Hydra keys for sets.
• !buytf [amount keys] - same as !buy - for TF2 keys.
• !buygems [amount of cards sets] - same as !buy - for Steam gems.

For more information, write !help on chat


* Your inventory must be public in order to receive trade offer, you can set it back to private immediately afterward
* You need to be able to trade with no trade hold (have Steam Mobile Guard for at least 7 days i.e.)
* Please be sure to craft all sets in your inventory before you buy new sets





Updated: 8 months ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 8 months ago

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