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Hustler Low Level UP


76% Uptime
987 sets from 5 games
0 foil sets from 0 games
TF211.2!buytf 115!selltf 1
Hydra11!buyhydra 199!sellhydra 1
Gem1000!buygems 1500!sellgems 1

Hustler Low Level UP Bot


Commands: ► !LANG = Change the bot language. ► !SETS4SETS (amount_of_sets) = Trade your duplicate sets for new ones you can craft. ► !PRICES = Shows our current rates. ► !STOCK = Shows currencies stock of the bot. ► !REPORT (desired_message) = Use to send messages directly to my owner. ► !RANK = Shows your steam level rank (World / Region / Country). ► !LEVEL (your_dream_level) = Will check how many Cardsets you need to reach desired level. ► !KEYLIST = Shows all tradable Keys. ► !OWNER = Shows owner account. ► !INVITE = Sends you an invite to our Steamgroup. ► !CHECK = Checks how many sets you can buy. ► !CHECKONE = Checks how many individual sets you can buy. TF2 Section. ► !CHECKTF (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of TF2 keys. ► !BUYTF (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted Cardsets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys. ► !BUYANYTF (amount_of_keys) = Buy any Cardsets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys. The bot will ignore your current badges. ► !BUYONETF (amount_of_keys) = Use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.       Suppliers Section. ► !SELLCHECK = Checks for Sets the Bot can buy from you. ► !SELLCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of CS:GO Keys. ► !SELLTF (amount_of_keys) = Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of TF2 Keys. ► !SELLHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of HYDRA Keys. ► !SELLGEMS (amount_of_sets) = Sell a specific amount of Cardsets and get Gems.


Updated: 7 months ago

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 Foil Sets

Updated: 7 months ago

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