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Phuoc Doan ? 14 hours ago 
Phuoc Doan ? 14 hours ago 
Yuri Cunha May 28 @ 5:21pm 
What's up,

You've made it another day.
I'm proud of you.
You should be proud of yourself.
It's a big accomplishment.

A lot of people like us didn't wake up today, but you did.
I'm proud of you.

And I know it's been a long couple of months.
I know it's been a tough winter, and it's been a long year.
I know what it's like to go from feeling like you can take on the world
to not even being able to take on yourself,
but you're getting through it. You are.
I can see it, and you're gonna be all right.
I know you will.

You're taking the right steps in the right direction
every day just by waking up and showing up.
You're doing it.

You know, because the pain is inevitable.
Unfortunately, it is. But the suffering is optional.
You won't be like this forever. This will pass.
I know it will, just like the last time and the time before that.

Don't underestimate yourself. You've got this.

Make sure you come back.

Your friend,
   :WheelOfAges::ucscompass::WheelOfAges:         :WheelOfAges::ucscompass::WheelOfAges:
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